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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-04-08 2:35 a.m.

my education is now complete. i am almost thoroughly prepared to encounter a situation of mild alcohol poisoning.

i dont like being a babysitter, but hey, ive got that maternal instinct all women seem to have. and even though rory is a complete asshole to us, danielle and i knew we were going to stay with him until parietals. this sucks. i saw a girl get taken away in an ambulence last night, and twice ive seen guys who needed to be woken up every half hour to make sure theyre responsive and breathing. only twice, i should prolly count myself lucky. if i lived in a dorm with guys i think i would prolly see this a lot more often. were going to have to have a talk with him tomorrow, because he never gets really trashed unless hes depressed, and his room mate says its been getting worse the past two weeks, and hes been treating danielle a lot worse in the past two weeks too. its so hard to get that boy to talk though. hes got so many issues, prolly more than i do.

besides all that, ive had an incredibly fun weekend. i had a great time at our syr last night, and the skamunnists at knott on the knoll were even better than i thought they would be. i skanked! it was great! we had a group of four skanking for ben. and tonight i dressed up in my sarong and went dancing at the party in 325 sorin. ((people would ask what im doing tonight and i would reply sorin. "what, youre doing the whole dorm in one night??")) thats three times i went dancing in two days, im very pleased with myself. i woke up at ten this morning, feeling absolutely great. ive been sleeping pretty well lately, with lots of weird dreams. the weather is beautiful too, finally.

ohhh, im so tired. beddy bye time for arvianna.