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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-12-18 05:10:35

i love this. its like having a mini summer vacation in the middle of winter. semester break is awesome! i just go out, i read, i chat on the internet, and not have tons of work hanging over my head. the single thing hanging over my head is christmas shopping! of course i want to feel productive, and to do that i might just clean the house, or write letters to people, or organize my piles of stuff around here. i just love this feeling! and so many people want to spend time with me right away. already tomorrow im supposed to see fear and loathing in las vegas with nick.

just about one of the only things i dont feel good about right now is my face. it broke out a lot during the last few weeks of school, and i was picking at my face a lot with all the stress of finals. so now its all scabby and blotchy, but only on one side. today my mom said it looks like i got in a fight. its not really getting any better though. the left side of my face is fine, its just the right side that looks really really bad, like back when i was fifteen. but then again, it never looks as bad to other people as it does to myself. unless its my mom, in which case shes prolly even more critical than i am.

so today we put together a puzzle in the coffeeshop. i can see why danielle says i tell more weird stories than anyone i know. my friends and i are continually doing thing no one really expects teenagers to do. like blasting songs that say "youth culture killed my dog" and bringing jigsaw puzzles to coffeeshops. then after you finish and take is all apart, leaving the puzzle there in the box for other people to come and work on. most people dont really expect that of teenagers, they expect things like the guy i met in the detroit airport. all he wanted to do was drink and party with his friend when he got home. but jigsaw puzzles are so much fun!

i had the perfect last night on campus on friday. no parietals in my most favoritest boys dorm, sorin college. i didnt even get there until twelve, then i danced with such joy and wild abandon in the relief of not more finals. i even danced in the window with rory and danielle. i didnt leave until 3:30, and i loved every moment of it.

even though i was rushed early on during my travel day, i didnt really mind having five hours in the detroit airport yesterday. it gave me time to mosey while everyone else is running around trying to catch their flights. i had time to chat with alex, and chase, and padraig, and chad. i had time to buy and book and read and do a little writing. it was rather nice.

friday night (saturday morning) danielle and i got to play a prank on rory. we poured cups on water over him when he fells asleep on the floor (he told us hed stay awake with danielle while i slept). boy, was he mad! we dont regret it though. rory acts like as asshole to cover up and hide most of the time, but he can be really nice when he feels like it.

im just so glad to be home, even if i did forget my house keys at school again!