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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-12-03 01:31:22

kate i loved your latest entry! the whole time i was reading it i kept thinking, ahhh, i remember those blissed ages between 15 and 17 when i went to all the punk shows and was bemused with zach and josh and adam and dave and whomever else showed up at the house next door or in the van i got a ride home in.

then i thought about what im about to do, and its really not that much different! im about to go over to a boys dorm all by myself, where i am fully aware of a party with alcohol and i plan to wander around talking to whatever boys i find that i know. cause i really do know a lot of the freshmen in sorin. i hope it goes well, cause sometimes ill just get close to the music and be so turned off by an overabundance of eminem ill just turn around and walk away. i want to have a krazy and kooky time. ((cause its not easy being green))

speaking of hemp necklaces, as well. i bought my first hemp necklace today. i never wore them in high school because it would look like i was trying to align myself with justin, the fake hippie. and god knows ill never figure out how he managed to fake being a hippie, that takes real guts. but anyway, i bought a hemp necklace and a hemp anklet with bells on it. and since the chain for my Notre Dame medal broke, i attached it to the hemp necklace instead. haha! thats a sure way to distinguish yourself, when every single freshmen is endowed with the exact same necklace.

speaking of my tastes in jewelry, anne borrowed my black ribbon choker for her dance tonight. and she didnt even mind that i had to fasten it in the back with a safety pin. she kept saying all my jewelry is so nice, and that she really likes my taste. this is such a change from before, when i would offer to lend out my jewelry and people would say "no offense elizabeth, but no."

ok this has been a really inane entry. im sorry.