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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


1999-10-23 01:17:25

i saw one of the most bizarre sights tonight. the local tv station hosted their friday night football special from our school. me and a few other band members stayed to play notre dame fight song. it was crazy to watch the other kids there get all crazy over something so . . . small? i dunno how to describe it.

at the pep rally this afternoon, some friends of mine were supposed to play mission impossible while the dive squad did their thing. but they barely could be heard! so what did we do? we yelled. 1..2...3...FORTISSIMO! of course by that time the gym was rather quiet so we all found it really humurous. and a waste of time.

in an attempt to be crazy and kooky, some of my friends got some green hair stuff and sprayed it on. unfortunately, it bled. they got it all over their faces, their hands, anything that came in contact with their heads. their new theme song is "its not easy being green" and its my responsibility to get the lyrics for them. luckily, i have them right upstairs next to my record player.