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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2000-01-10 00:35:15

i saw someone the other night . . . i didnt figure out who it was he reminded me of until today. he reminded me of dark wolf, the hitch hiker i picked up on his way to the rainbow gathering. it was the blond haircut, the grin, and the way the eyes crinkled up that made me think of him. it couldnt have been him, though, he was older i think.

my cousin likes water polo because its violent, shes been kicked out of a match already. shes a freshman in college and starts for the water polo club. thats something i really want to do when i get to college. not water polo, im not much of a water person at all. i want to get into some activity or sport that i never dreamed i would ever be involved in or even heard of. just try something completely new.

im going to love it at the whitaker center. watch my "homepage" at for progress on that. ive only had orientation so far, but it seems like a dream come true... maybe inspiration for a career?

its late and im not writing much. off to my beauty rest.

my love dwelt in a northern land a dim tow'r in a forest green was his . . .