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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-04-16 3:49 p.m.

i am fucking anxious as hell right now. my arms are all wobbly and my heart is racing and feels like its going to explode. not like i dont have anything to be anxious about.

going to italy, not having my english paper down, letting down my professors, upcoming philo paper, fucking up the computer in the third floor cluster, not having physics done, guilt over going out for indian food and a pub crawl and sleeping ridiculous amounts instead of doing all this work, knowing im in trouble with the administration for skipping my thursday classes to go to rome which Is A Big No No, regrets about my past, concerns for my future, etc etc.

and i dont know what to do about it all except go downstairs and have a cup of tea. how british. how arthur dent of me.