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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2003-04-05 6:44 p.m.

hum. I had something I wrote in my journal this morning that I wanted to copy over into here but I forgot to bring my journal with me. I was really glad I wrote it becuase I'd been putting off dealing with that particular issue in a constructive manner for a number of days.

Like I said to Jesse on the phone Tuesday, no matter what I wrote or told myself, I couldn't shake the idea that everyone hated me. Friday was particularly bad, I was having horrible mood swings and the littlest things could set me grinning like mad or desperate to cry. But of course it all comes down to the simplest of reasons. I'm lonely here in London, and mostly because I simply have very different interests from most of the other people here. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, it's been obvious my entire life. Of course I would feel lonely.

Heheh. and a lifetime of that is bound to give anybody mood swings, isn't it?

On one hand, I'm really looking forward to getting back to all of my friends whom I miss terribly, but on the other hand I don't want to leave London for freakin' South Bend, Indiana. ::sighs::

At the moment, everything is under control. Cherish it.