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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-06-06 5:50 p.m.

well ive come up with a good and functional reason to continue shaving my legs. smooth legs make searching for ticks that much easier. so take that society, im not shaving my legs to look sexy. im shaving them to look for ticks! ha!

of course by an extension of that logic, i should just shave every hair off my body, but i think that might be going a little too far? hm? or maybe im just looking for an excuse to keep up an otherwise illogical habit?

not much else going on inside this empty little head of mine. frequent tick searches since my job requires me to spend a substantial amount of time in the forest. went out in the field again today but it maintained a soaking rain all day long. mostly stood in an office listening to engineers and forestry old men argue about dep permits before going out to take a quick look at the site intended for a handicapped accessible fishing pier. clinton county is beautiful in the rain. im seeing so much more of pennsylvania's state forests than i ever did before, since most of my time spent in the forest has been in the allegheny national forest. which i get to go to next week! wheee! im so excited. i hope it doesnt rain too much. though a warm rain would be nice for playing in the creek and such.

yeah. so my moms leaving tonight for pittsburgh before she and judy and joe and the kids go to hilton head for a week. so ill have about a week here to myself before i go to camp. yay. pseudo-party time? no, not really. i still have to be up early for work. though im not really seeing the point in going to work at all next week or the week after since id only be in for two days each week. im taking off wednesday to wednesday, because of summer reading club. speaking of which, id better get to work on putting together the materials for my activities.

its feeling good all over