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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2002-04-02 12:26 a.m.

so i got a new pair of pants. i knew what i wanted when i went shopping. i wanted a pair of pants i could wear in the summer, similar in style to my worn out green cords, but lighter in material. and of course theres nothing in the ladies section, cause long pants are out for spring and its either eensy teensy shorts or wild flowered capri pants. so i went to the guys section, naturally, and found the perfect pair of pants with the perfect fit.

im really excited about these pants and it took me a while to figure out why. i realized it when i was looking in the mirror today. im eliza-dressed again. like tony-dressed, eliza-dressed is the adjective used whenever anyone happens to be dressed in a style similar to what i might usually wear. and for the past two years or so, i havent really been eliza-dressed in the original sense. ive been wearing tighter, more fitted cords with polo shirts or sweaters instead of my traditional definition of big cords and little shirts. so now that ive got these great new pants, and im going back to wearing my little tshirts, and glory of all glories, my hair has grown out again to what it was before i cut it before freshman year, i really feel like im back to being me. not like im dressing or looking or even acting like someone else any more. im back, im me, and i still feel seventeen just like i always said.

this is my style and it works for me!