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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-12-17 4:51 p.m.

woohoo finals week. im finally done with all my math and science finals, now ive just got more than a day and a half to read and work on my theo final. i just got my band cd too. yippee. my minds just so out of it i can hardly think of whats been happening lately. lots of weird stuff, i guess. pbthhh.

oh i remember. the other night monica invited a bunch of us to her house for dinner. it must have been saturday because i had my last tutoring session with jason the same day. i was so happy with his help that when we said grace and added what we were grateful for before dinner, i said "the generosity of graduate students, especially in the physics department." this was prolly the best thing i could have said, because it turns out that monicas father came to america to do graduate work in physics. and his thesis director was none other than professor william d. shephard.

what else. we played little question big question. i love that game. you ask everyone in the group a little question about yourself, like whats my favorite soda? and whoever answers it correctly can then ask you any burning "big question" that they have for you. then its their turn to ask a little question of the whole group. its a really great room mate bonding game. you can really get some dirt out. kinda like never have i ever. but we were playing in the presence of young ears, so we stuck to things like "steph, you and mike have been going out for a year now.....could you see yourself marrying him?" ummmmm, what else. i went to the sophomore trumpet dinner (std) on wednesday. i got a D on my calc exam. it was ridiculous, i guessed on fourteen out of twenty problems. and they were all multiple choice, so i had no motivation to even write something down if i had no clue how to solve it. mechanics was bad....i finished three problems out of six in four hours. but at least i know i got the first one right! physics was ok, i at least wrote something down for four out of five, plus it was open book so i didnt really study for it. now all i have is theology! my small taste of the life of an arts and letters major.

wednesday i think danielle and i are going to see lord of the rings. im not exactly sure yet how she plans to get off campus, but ill leave that up to her. rory wants us to come over for a lil new years party. even cooler, the band is having a spring formal! totally awesome! well, spring formal in january, but still!

not much going on this weekend. danielle got bt to come over friday and bring american beauty. saturday garrett came over and i put in the crow. amazing how i can still find new things in that movie even though ive seen it too many times to count. like this time, i noticed tbird uses the word "clusterfuck." i had never heard that used in every day speech until booter said it at band camp this year (we were doing some sort of drill in a block, and when we were done he just said something like, god that was a hell of a clusterfuck.) i told garrett i never really heard that word until this year and his only response was 'oh yeah, thats right. you went to a catholic high school'

ummmmm what else.

i lent my folk cds to paul.....hopefully, hell listen and find something hed be willing to perform with me next semester. clare was surprised today to see me wearing a shirt for a punk band....she said she always hears country when she comes in our room. ::frustrated sigh:: its not country. the girl next door listens to country. i listen to folk. theres a huge difference.

mmm. enough. dinner soon.