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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-10-21 5:17 a.m.

i dont want the sun to come up. i want to fall asleep in jeffs van and wake up to find myself in broad daylight. unfortunately for me, were not leaving until eight am, our time. the sun rises at seven. i do get a little relief from watching the sun rise, though. im going to mass in the sacred heart crypt at six mass will be over at seventhirty, thirty minutes after the sun rises. yay. i watched the sun rise on thursday, i just dont want to watch it again for a while. i think sunrises might be those once in a while kinda things.

ive got some extra time now that ive finished packing and cleaning my room (sweeping the floor and scrubbing the sink and everything) but before i have to leave.....and i know i cant lay down to sleep. i prolly wont wake up. i definitely wont want to wake up. i got prank called this morning at about four. it was an on campus call and i could hear the guys giggling in the background. ooooh, im getting really sleepy. maybe i should nap a little bit. sounds like a disastrous plan to me.

anyway, found out something else totally cool about my awesome trumpet freshman, dan. he speaks japanese. things arent going so hot with mike....i was really bitchy to him tonight, for things that were totally not his fault, but he still wasnt helping at all. i warned him that im always pretty bitchy after football games, so he called at nine after i had taken some ibuprofin and a two hour nap. nope, that definitely didnt help at all. and now that two hour nap is all the sleep ive gotten since seven am saturday. in two hours it will be seven am sunday. bah.

im so ready for fall break. its going to be beautiful.....ive stopped trying to describe to people where im going and just tell them "the allegheny national forest" sounds impressive and i think half of them think thats one of the appalachia service seminars. haha.

allegheny. ahhhh-lehhhhh-gaehhhhhh-neeeeeeee. thats a pretty darn cool word.

i must be more tired than i think.