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A Physicist's Guide to Smoked Gouda


2001-08-01 12:37 a.m.

ok, so in case it wasnt crystal clear to anyone who wasnt actually there last night, we got kicked out of imagination station where we play laser tag for being teenagers. nothing new there. i just got really upset about the way the cop treated us, and got so wound up about it in fact, that i woke up at four am and couldnt get back to sleep. but anyway, we had a good rant at the coffeeshop tonight, and i think its out of my system, cause i know i did the right thing by treating the cop so politely while to him we were just the nearest thing in range to catch and yell at.

so my room is relatively clean right now. i still have random stuff packed in the corners, but you can walk around the bed and get to things without stepping on everything i own now. my bed is strangely empty. somewhere along the line this summer, i found that i slept better and had nicer dreams when i slept among piles of clothes or other obstacles on my bed. i dunno whether it was just having something other than a flat surface to lay on, or just having something to hold onto. i think it was a combination of both. so when i didnt have enough clothes to make a couple good sized piles on my bed, i would ball up a blanket or an extra pillow, and maybe a teddy bear and strew them around my bed. ok, so the teddy bear didnt get strewn, but the rest did. but when i cleaned my room today, everything got cleared off my bed as well. heheh, looking back on the last few sentences it sounds more like im making a nest than sleeping in a bed. i guess i am. or maybe im just thinking too much about the book ive been reading, the trumpet of the swan, the last book for my summer reading club. anyway, so im gonna have to revise my nesting techniques tonight since all my clothes are put away. what i find really odd about this nesting, is that i usually dont prefer to have a pillow near my head, but apparently anywhere else on the bed is fine.

becki IMed me today to say that well be seeing each other in twenty three days. wow, i cant believe its that close already. when i was cleaning up and putting away my clothes today, i really saw no point in putting them in drawers so i put them all back in bins to go back to nd. so ill be living out of these bins for a while. packing is going to be relatively easy this year i think. i have a much better idea of what ill actually need. and what ill want to wear. and i didnt have these handy bins and drawers when i packed last year, i only had xerox boxes. i just hope john pulls through with the uhaul so i can bring my favorite orange chairs with me!